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Professional repair and replacement of underground -and overground fire hydrants

Overground fixed hydrants

It is also available in steel tube and cast iron tube sizes DN80 and DN100, each with a length of:
DN 80, DN 100


Overground fire-resistant hydrants

It is also available in steel tube and cast iron tube sizes DN80 and DN100, each with a length of:
DN 80, DN 100



Underground hydrants

It is also available in steel tube and cast iron tube sizes DN80 and DN100, each with a length of:
DN 80, DN 100


Inspection, repair, replacement

It needs to be reviewed every six months, it needs to be maintained, and every year a full review is needed. The rack pipe, pressure hose assembly, metering clamp located in the cabinets shall be subjected to a pressure test every 5 years. The above tasks are specified in the 54/2014. (XII.5.) BM. Our colleagues draw up a report of the work done and an inspection report.

Extract from the Regulation:

"§ 268 In the course of the review of fire-fighting springs, the person conducting the review shall in all cases

(a) examine it

(aa) the existence of signs, the correctness and integrity of fire extinguishing water springs,

(ab) the presence and legibility of the required inscriptions and markings,

(ac) availability of fire extinguishing (outdoor) springs at all times of the year, availability of fittings, proper use of fittings and accessories,

(ad) the integrity of the corrosion protection,

(b) carry it out

(ba) in the case of a fire-extinguishing water source operating from a water network, flushing the water network until the water is free from mechanical impurities;

(bb) written notice to the operating organization in the event of any damage to the corrosion protection. "

"Section 270 (1) In the case of underground and above-ground fire hydrants, the prescribed fire-extinguishing water shall be certified during the commissioning procedure of buildings and structures up to six months prior to the submission of the application, Measurements shall be made with the simultaneous operation of fire hydrants within a 100 m radius of the building or structure.

(2) Underground and above-ground hydrants shall be inspected at least every six months in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the general duties specified in § 268, and shall be fully reviewed annually.

3. In addition to the tasks of the semi-annual review, the annual review of the above ground firefighters shall include:

a) the condition and fixation of the staples,

b) the integrity and condition of the seals,

c) condition and mountability of the cap clips,

d) in the case of a cap with a seal, the integrity and condition of the seal,

(e) the existence of insurance against loss,

f) condition, opening, locking of the security house (s),

(g) the operation of the fire valve after removal of the cap clips by actuating the fire valve,

h) static pressure in the hydrant,

(i) the outflow pressure of the hydrant at an outlet cross-section of 200 mm2 or the discharge rate of the hydrant; and

(j) the functioning of the drainage system.

(4) In addition to the general duties set forth in Section 268, the semi-annual review of underground fire hydrants shall be carried out by the person performing the review.

a) cleaning of the fire hydrant,

(b) checking the opening of the fire closet,

(c) cleaning the fire closet,

(d) checking the condition of the headgear protective cover or threaded closure or protective cap and its ability to be opened by an underground fire wrench,

e) checking the housing and valve for leaks,

(f) inspection of the drainage system; and

g) greasing the connecting thread.

(5) In the case of underground fire hydrants, the open cover shall not impede the operation of the hydrant.

6. In addition to the tasks of the semi-annual review, the annual review of the underground fire hydrant shall be carried out by the person reviewing it.

(a) the condition of the coupling head, the integrity of the thread, the condition of the sealing surface,

(b) a functional test of the fire hydrant,

(c) static pressure at the hydrants,

(d) the outflow pressure of the hydrant at an outlet cross-section of 200 mm2 or the discharge rate of the hydrant; and

(e) the functioning of the drainage system.

(7) The inspection of fire hydrant cabinets shall comply with the relevant technical requirement or provide at least equivalent safety.

Section 271 (1) The organization responsible for the operation shall arrange for the cabinets and their fittings and accessories to be inspected at least every six months and fully audited annually.

(2) The frequency of inspections shall be determined taking into account the environmental conditions of the cabinet in question, the fire risk and the risk. The review, at least every six months, shall include, in addition to the general tasks set out in Article 268:

(a) that the cabinet meets the requirements of the relevant technical requirement,

(b) the fitting position is clearly marked,

(c) in the case of a wall suspension, that the suspension is solid and fit for purpose,

(d) the cabinet is undamaged and its door can be opened freely,

e) the required fittings and accessories are available,

(f) the fittings and accessories are secure; and


(g) whether there is any defect, corrosion, or other damage, either on the cabinet or on the fittings or accessories.

(3) The inspector shall inspect the stored fittings, accessories and cabinet for damage, drive through the watertight flat hoses provided as an accessory, visually inspect the condition of the hose during folding, and notify the organization in writing of any corroded or damaged fittings.

(4) In addition to the general tasks set out in Article 268 and the half-yearly tasks provided for in paragraphs (2) to (3), the reviewer shall, during the annual complete review,

(a) verify

(aa) the state of the fittings and accessories in the fitting box,

(ab) the suitability and safety of underground or above-ground fire wrenches or universal wrenches with practical tests; abnormal deformation and cracking of keys is not allowed,

(ac) the operability of the rack tube or the condition of the metric terminal; and

(ad) safe and easy operation of the jet,

(b) carry out maintenance on the fittings box and fittings and accessories as specified by the manufacturer; and

(c) inform the maintenance organization in writing of any fittings or accessories that are not considered adequate during the inspection.

Section 272 The rack pipe, pressure hose assembly, metering clamp located in cabinets shall be subjected to a pressure test every 5 years.

§ 273 During the five-year pressure test, the installation pipe shall be checked for the integrity of the connecting thread on a scaffold pipe placed underground fire hydrant; A pressure test of 1,0 MPa water shall be carried out for leakage. The test shall be successful if no leakage occurs on the outlet branches and other parts of the scaffold tube during the 2 minute test period. "